Gluten free food list and planning made easy

Glutenfreie Ernährung: Lebensmittel-Liste

Table of contents:

  1. Why is a gluten-free diet relevant and what value can it offer?
  2. Gluten-free diet - list for your daily needs
  3. How do I eat gluten-free?
  4. Step-by-step to a delicious meal without gluten
  5. Gluten-free meal plan makes all the difference

Find out at how to plan your gluten-free diet using this food list and tips.

At a time when your health and well-being are shaped more than ever by a balanced and conscious diet, it is in your hands to make smart choices in your daily food choices . If you're one of those people who suffer from gluten intolerance, finding suitable foods and following a gluten-free diet can be a challenge. But remember, a gluten-free lifestyle does not mean doing without. On the contrary, it gives you the opportunity to discover a wealth of new foods and to enjoy particularly nutritious and delicious meals to the fullest.

Why is a gluten-free diet relevant and what value can it offer?

In general, gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and closely related grains. If you suffer from gluten intolerance, celiac disease, you are particularly sensitive to gluten , which can lead to inflammatory reactions in the small intestine. The small intestine is surrounded by crypts and villi, which are responsible for absorbing nutrients. In people with gluten intolerance, this absorption can be disrupted, which can lead to digestive problems, lack of essential nutrients and other health problems.

So the gluten instigates a real inflammatory revolt in your small intestine when you eat some of it. There are also forms of gluten intolerance in which the immune system is more involved. In order to avoid such complications, a gluten-free diet proves to be fundamental and in many cases can significantly improve the well-being of those affected .

Gluten Free Diet: With the right planning and list, there are wraps

Gluten-free diet - list for your daily needs

So that you can get an overview of which foods , especially which types of grain, are gluten-free , you will find a "gluten-free food list" for your daily needs here. Based on this, you can later plan your gluten-free diet.

Gluten Free Diet List:

meat and fish

All varieties of meat and fish are naturally gluten-free, unless they are breaded or prepared in breadcrumbs.

dairy products

Regular dairy products like milk, natural yogurt and cheese are usually gluten-free. Note, however, that flavored dairy products may contain gluten, so reading labels is important.


All egg types are naturally gluten-free.

fruit and vegetables

All types of fruits and vegetables are gluten free. But watch out for dried fruits and vegetables!

Fruits and vegetables in the gluten free grocery list


Gluten-free grains include quinoa, rice, buckwheat, sorghum, millet, amaranth, arrowroot, teff, and oats (if labeled gluten-free).

starches and flours

Gluten-free starch sources and flours include potato, potato flour, corn, corn flour, chickpea flour, soy flour, almond flour, coconut flour, tapioca flour, or cassava flour.

Cassava flour is also free from grains, nuts and lectins. In addition, it is particularly low in histamine and therefore a perfect introduction to a gentle, gluten-free diet.

herbs and spices

Herbs and spices are gluten-free and can enhance the taste of your dishes.

nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are gluten-free foods and a good addition to your gluten-free diet.

spreads and oils

Vegetable oils and butter do not contain gluten. You can use them without hesitation.


Most drinks are gluten-free, with the exception of beer, unless specifically labeled as "gluten-free."

The most caution is therefore required with conventional cereals . Other gluten-free foods are usually naturally gluten-free. However, these are often processed together with gluten-containing products. "Trace Gluten " gives you an indication and can be found directly on the back of the product packaging .

Plan easily with the gluten-free grocery list and enjoy pizza

How do I eat gluten-free?

Switching to a gluten-free diet is a big step, but you'll see that it's worth it in the end ! Our gluten-free nutrition plan gives you information on how to master your gluten-free diet and transition.

Step-by-step to a delicious meal without gluten:

Step 1: Reach for natural and unprocessed foods

One of the easiest and best ways to adopt a gluten-free diet is to focus on natural and unprocessed foods . Fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds are great choices. These foods are not only rich in important nutrients , but are usually left in their natural state .

Step 2: Use gluten-free grains & alternatives

There are now many gluten-free grain and flour alternatives that can serve as the basis for your meals. These foods are versatile and allow you to continue enjoying your favorite gluten-free dishes. Take another look at your gluten-free meal plan , which tells you which grains are gluten-free besides cassava flour. Also try our gluten-free bread mix , which will make it easier for you to start gluten-free cooking.

Step 3: What Are the Ingredients?

You can make a gluten-free diet much easier for yourself when you’re shopping. Many processed foods contain hidden gluten, which can come in the form of stabilizers, thickeners, and flavorings . When reading food labels, look for the words "gluten-free" to make sure you're choosing the right products. Don't be afraid that your gluten-free diet will bring side effects. With the right advance planning and the necessary background knowledge, nothing is guaranteed to go wrong !

Step 4: Cook Your Own Treats:

Preparing your own meals gives you full control over gluten-free ingredients. Keep trying new recipes and experimenting with gluten-free alternatives like cassava flour . By the way, you will find numerous gluten-free recipes on our website that will make it easier for you to enter the gluten-free world.

Gluten-free grocery list: Don't skimp on anything by planning

Gluten-free meal plan makes all the difference

Following a gluten-free diet plan might seem a little challenging at first, but with the right approach and a well-organized gluten-free food list, you're on your way. And that without spending hours in the supermarket and thinking again and again about what you are actually allowed to eat. If you are open to change and willing to experiment in the kitchen, you can make your gluten-free diet varied, exciting and successful .

Are you in the process of changing your diet or would you just like to try an alternative form of nutrition? Then take a look at our Ruut recipe world and convince yourself of the combination of taste and healthy nutrition !

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