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Ruut Gluten Free Baking Mix - Waffles & Pancakes, 910g

Regular price 24,60 EUR
Regular price Sale price 24,60 EUR
Unit price 27,03 EUR  per  kg
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
  • Completely without additives
  • Tastes like wheat flour!
  • A 910g bag makes 28 waffles / 42 German pancakes / 77 American pancakes / 81 crêpes

Quantity discount
Save up to 24% with our quantity discount
from 3x 910g packages 16% discount
from 6x 910g packages 25% discount

Waffles & Pancakes - Gluten-free baking mix. Ingredients: Cassava flour, potato flour*, baking powder (tapioca starch*, sodium carbonate, cream of tartar, lemon juice powder*, guar gum*), sea salt (*organically grown)


910g pack contains baking mix for 28 waffles, 77 pancakes, 42 crepes or 81 crepes.

Minimum shelf life

Best before: see print

Nutritional values per 100 g:

Calorific value: 1442 kJ/340 kcal
Fat: 0.5
total Fat: 0
Carbohydrates: 79
Sugar: 3
Dietary fiber: 5
Protein: 2.4
Salt: 1.4

Shipping costs

GERMANY: We charge a shipping fee of 4.90 euros. For orders over 59.00 euros, shipping with DHL is free in Germany. ABROAD: We ship to all of Europe (including Switzerland and other non-EU countries). Prices vary depending on package size, current offers and country. The shipping price is displayed after you enter your address in the purchase process.

Delivery time

Your package will be sent within 1-2 working days with DHL or Hermes and usually arrives in 1-3 working days (shipping abroad takes longer).


WAFFLES:For approx. 4 pieces, 130 g baking mix, 1 egg (M), 30 g melted butter, 140 ml plant-based milk and 3.5 tablespoons sugar, (OR: instead of sugar, 70 g maple syrup and ONLY 110 ml milk). 1. Mix all ingredients with a whisk to form a smooth dough. 2. Heat the waffle iron, grease if necessary and fill each waffle with about 1/4 of the dough and bake until golden brown.

AMERICAN PANCAKES:For about 11 pieces of 7 cm diameter each; 130 g baking mix, 1 egg (M), 30 g melted butter, 130 ml plant-based milk and 3 tablespoons sugar (OR: instead of sugar, use 70 g maple syrup and ONLY 110 ml milk). 1. Mix all ingredients together to form a smooth dough. 2. Heat a pan, lightly grease it and add about 2 tablespoons of dough per pancake and bake on both sides for 2-3 minutes until golden brown.

GERMAN PANCAKES (sweet or savory*):For about 5 pieces of 16 cm diameter, follow the pancake recipe and increase the milk to 160 ml and reduce the melted butter to 10g (OR: instead of sugar, use 70 ml maple syrup and ONLY 140 ml milk). Add a small ladle of batter per pancake into the hot, greased pan, spread lightly and bake for 2-3 minutes until golden brown.

CREPES (sweet or savory*):For about 7 pieces of 16 cm diameter, follow the pancake recipe, increase the milk to 240 ml milk, reduce the melted butter to 10g and add a second egg (M), (OR: instead of sugar, 60 ml maple syrup and ONLY 210 ml milk). Put a small ladle of the batter into the hot, greased pan, swirl immediately, reduce heat slightly and bake on both sides for 2-3 minutes until golden brown.

*for savory pancakes or crêpes: no sugar or maple syrup, instead use 1/2 teaspoon salt and 130 ml or 200 ml milk.


Ruut has a transparent production chain, we pay fair prices to the small farmers in Peru, and they do without pesticides and monocultures.

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Our customers report...

Gluten-free baking mix for waffles, pancakes, crepes & crêpes

Simply bake gluten-free and enjoy!

Do you love the smell of freshly baked waffles, pancakes and crêpes? We do too. With our Ruut cassava flour baking mix, gluten-free waffles and pancakes are ready in no time. Quick, delicious and easy. For the whole family or just as a snack.

Ruut (Low German: root) stands for cassava flour and baking mixes of controlled quality. Used as a staple food by the indigenous people of South America for thousands of years, it is not without reason that the root is very well tolerated and has excellent baking properties and is considered a great alternative to wheat.

Glutenfreie Waffeln einfach selbst machen

Waffeln sind der Klassiker für Kinder schlecht hin. Da wäre es doch sehr schade, wenn deine Kinder wegen einer Glutenunverträglichkeit keine Waffeln mehr essen könnten! Doch nicht nur für deine Kinder, auch für dich, wenn du genauso betroffen bist, wäre es sehr schade, wenn du auf den Genuss frischer Waffeln verzichten müsstest.

Glutenfreie Pfannkuchen

Wir haben hier die Lösung für dich und deine Familie. Denn diese Backmischung ist frei von Gluten und Getreide und ist zudem noch paleo. Mit dieser Backmischung kannst du also wieder knusprige, leckere und frische Pfannkuchen genießen.

Die Zubereitung ist schnell und unkompliziert und das Ergebnis einfach herrlich.

Glutenfreie Pancakes

Pancakes und Pfannkuchen? Wo ist denn da der Unterschied?

Pancakes sind in der Regel kleiner und dicker, wobei Pfannkuchen größer und flacher sind. Die Oberfläche von Pancakes ist meist glatt, die Alternative ist eher rau und wird brauner gebacken.

Auch im Geschmack unterscheiden sie sich. Pancakes schmecken von sich aus schon süß, während Pfannkuchen neutraler sind.

Außerdem haben Pfannkuchen einen höheren Eier- und Milchanteil, weshalb sie sich leichter in der Pfanne verteilen.

Glutenfreie Crêpes

Und wenn dir mal nicht nach Waffel, Pancake oder Pfannkuchen ist, dann mach doch einfach Crêpes aus unserer Backmischung!

Ein paar Änderungen in der Menge der Zutaten, die du noch dazu geben musst, und schon hast du ebenfalls super leckere Crêpes, die bestimmt jeder lieben wird!

Customer Reviews

Based on 42 reviews
Magdalena Maliszewski

Very good

Laura Schuessler
Works great, tastes great!

I'm thrilled. We take the baking mix for waffles & pancakes, mix in everything else we need (collagen, psyllium husks, chia, prebiotics, etc...) and then put it in the pan or waffle iron (sometimes with frozen fruit in the batter). We also freeze finished pancakes and then let them thaw again when needed (e.g. for the lunch box). Children love it :)

Corinna Diederichs
Still tasty on the 2nd day

I chose the pizza dough and I'm delighted with it. Even on the second day after it was made, it's highly recommended.

Diana Räuchle

Since I haven't tried it yet, I can't give a review. I'll be happy to do so. From ordering to delivery, I'll give it five stars.

Enjoyed by the whole family

The waffles are quick and easy to bake. They are not too sweet and taste great! The flour is healthy, the price is reasonable and the quality is high. I'd definitely order again!

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