Gluten-free buns - Paleo recipe

Glutenfreie Brötchen - Rezept Paleo

paleo | grain free | gluten free

NOTE: Gluten-free baking with the Ruut cassava flour

INGREDIENTS: makes 4 buns

  • 235ml lukewarm water (45°C.)
  • 9 g dry yeast*
  • 1 tsp honey, liquid
  • 210-250g Ruut cassava flour
  • 4 tablespoons potato starch (32 g)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons psyllium husk flour (15 g)
  • 1/2 tsp salt (4g)
  • 1 egg yolk** (keep the egg white for the coating)
  • 1 egg** (50 g)
  • 1 tbsp oil (olive oil)

cover (optional)

  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp water
  • 1 egg white
  • Seeds for sprinkling (sunflower seeds, sesame or poppy seeds)

Egg-free variant**:

  • Recipe as above, but instead of the eggs you use 95g apple pulp (100% apples)

Yeast-free variant*:

  • use 10 g (2.5 teaspoons) of baking powder instead of the yeast

Recipe for simple spice mixture see under this link


Tip :) Only use a kitchen scale for our recipes and to weigh the flour.

Mix the lukewarm water, yeast and honey in a large bowl until the honey and yeast have dissolved. Leave to stand for about 15 minutes until a foam has formed on the surface.

80 g des Mix Ruut cassava flour , potato starch, psyllium husk powder and salt and add to the yeast mixture. Mix with a whisk to form an even batter. Add the egg, egg yolk (or egg replacer if you like) and oil and whisk until smooth. With a wooden spoon or by hand knead the remaining flour into the dough. If necessary, add 2 tablespoons of flour to make a firm but slightly sticky dough.


Divide the dough into four parts (slightly damp hands prevent the dough from sticking to your hands). Form the dough pieces into oval rolls that are about eight centimeters long, 5 cm wide and 4 cm high. Place the buns on a sheet of parchment paper and cover with a towel.

Let the buns rise for 45-60 minutes until the buns have increased in size and are soft to the touch.

Preheat the oven to 200°C convection heat. In a small bowl, use a fork to stir together the remaining egg whites, honey, and 1 teaspoon of cold water until honey is dissolved. Brush the coating over the buns and make light incisions in the surface with a sharp knife. Sprinkle with seeds if desired.

Place the buns in the oven and just before the oven closes, place four ice cubes or cold water in a heatproof bowl in the lower part of the oven. Bake the buns for 26-30 minutes until the top is browned and sounds hollow when tapped.

Allow to cool for at least 1 hour before serving!

Yeast-free variant*:
Instructions as described, only omit the yeast and the 15-minute resting time. Then add the baking powder to the remaining flour and continue as usual. Before putting the dough pieces in the oven, let them rest for about 10 minutes.


  • If the eggs used are significantly larger than specified, more flour must be used to compensate.
  • The doneness of the rolls can be checked with a roasting thermometer. The core of the rolls should be approx. 90°C. have.
  • To prepare the rolls the night before, you can prepare them as described. After cooling, you can pack the rolls airtight (plastic wrap or an airtight box) and leave them at room temperature. Bake the next day in the preheated oven, slightly moistened, for 5-10 minutes and serve immediately.
  • For saltier buns, the amount of salt can be increased to 6 g, but 11 g of yeast should also be used.

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Get the Ruut cassava flour today


Alan Harms

Alan ist Autor, Agrarwissenschaftler und backt für sein Leben gern.

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Super leckere Brötchen, wir haben Sie zuletzt im Büro gebacken, da einer von uns glutenunverträglich ist und es hat uns allen sehr lecker geschmeckt!


Liebe Sabine, die Flohsamenschalenmehl kannst du direkt bei uns hier kaufen: .


Liebes Team, wo bekomme ich das indische FlohsamenMehl ?

Sabine Kaufmann

Die besten Brötchen, welche ich bisher, seid 2 Jahren , mit glutenfreier Kost, gebacken habe. ganz Prima, allerdings habe ich sie viel heißer gebacken, 250°C 10 min und 225°C ca. 20 min. Außen waren sie cross und innen schön porig und weich. Prima!! Was die Tempratur betrifft, aus Erfahrung wird
man klug. wann immer ich glutenfreies Hefegebäck, Zöpfe, gefüllte Taschen, Pizzen bei den angegebenen 190°C gebacken habe- wurde nichts draus, keine Farbe, außen Gummi, innen Klitsch- deshalb die gleiche temperatur,m, wie bei den Broten- und es hat geklappt.
Für alle Veganer: anstatt dem Ei- Guss zum drauf pinseln verrührte ich 1 EL Sojamilch mit 1/4 TL Stärkemehl und 1/4 TL Agavendicksaft. Fröhlichen Kneten und Backen wünscht Bärbel.


Die Brötchen sind so was von gut- abbsolut oberlecker ich habe die vegane Variante gebacken.
Ausprobiert und gelungen.
Nur gebacken habe ich sie viel heißer:
250°C Ober- / Unterhitze 10 min und 225°C Ober-/ Unterhitze 20 min

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