Bake gluten-free buns

Glutenfreie Brötchen backen mit dem Experten von Ruut

Ruut reveals what you have to consider

In recent years, the number of people following a gluten-free diet has steadily increased. This is partly because some people suffer from gluten intolerance or celiac disease and partly because of certain diets that are currently in vogue. This includes, for example , the Paleo diet - also known as Stone Age nutrition - which, among other things, provides for a renunciation of grain and dairy products. So it is not surprising that the demand for gluten-free products has also increased. Flour alternatives , for example, are popular for baking wonderfully fragrant gluten-free rolls, bread, etc. at home. Because gluten-free alternatives are often finished products that have little or nothing in common with their gluten-containing counterparts in terms of taste and scent. Thanks to baking mixes and flour alternatives, people who (involuntarily) avoid gluten no longer have to do without fresh baked goods.

If you have decided to dare to bake gluten-free rolls yourself, the first question is usually: "Which flour alternative should I use?". It all depends on your personal taste, because there are now many gluten-free flours on the market - from wholemeal flours to starch flours and bean flours, there is something for every taste and every requirement. In our blog article we also take a closer look at gluten-free flours and explain, among other things, the advantages of cassava flour. Feel free to stop by there if you would like more information about the different varieties. Once you have decided on an alternative, your baking adventure can already begin!

Lots of variations when baking gluten-free rolls

Only very few people bake their rolls themselves. Because usually there are a large number of different types at the bakery or in the supermarket, which can either be eaten directly or baked up within a few minutes. This is convenient and uncomplicated, but the result is not always tasty. Maybe you recognize yourself in these statements, and that's perfectly fine - after all, our everyday life is often stressful enough. However, if you want to avoid gluten in your diet, be it voluntarily or not, you have probably already noticed that the choice of baked goods is quite limited after all. The solution: bake gluten-free rolls in your own four walls - and Ruut will help you with that!

If you don't have any experience with gluten-free baking - be it rolls, bread or other baked goods - have a look here . There we will give you a few general tips in advance that you should keep in mind so that your baking adventure is crowned with success. But now we want to show you how many different ways there are to make deliciously fragrant buns at home . Because gluten-free cuisine is anything but monotonous!

With a little practice and skill, you can bake almost all gluten-containing rolls as gluten-free rolls. The variation results from the variety of different types of flour and the mixing ratio of these types. The classic among (breakfast) rolls are light rolls without any "frills" with a neutral flour - such as cassava flour . They are suitable for both a savory and a sweet sandwich and can therefore be adapted to every taste. They are also relatively easy to prepare for baking beginners, so they are ideal for your first baking attempts. Of course you can also refine the classic with all sorts of things. These include grains, seeds and spices.

From pretzel rolls to milk rolls to rustico rolls - all gluten-free

If you have already gained some experience, you can also try your hand at baking slightly more difficult gluten-free rolls, such as milk rolls . The juicy baked goods bring some variety to your diet, but need a little more practice due to the yeast dough. And you don't have to do without delicious pretzel rolls just because you eat gluten-free. If you want, you can also use the dough to form other types of pastries, such as pretzels (if the dough allows) or pretzel sticks, or sprinkle the baked goods with cheese and/or salt. However, make sure that the lye does not come into contact with your skin when dipping the pastry - it is caustic! In addition to all the savory baked goods, you can of course also bake sweet gluten-free rolls such as quark, chocolate or raisin rolls .

As you can see, you can enjoy the full variety of rolls even with a gluten-free diet . It is important that you pay attention to the properties and taste of the flour you are using when baking gluten-free rolls. Because while some types of flour are more suitable for sweeter baked goods (e.g. nut flours), others are ideal for savory dishes (e.g. wholemeal rice flour). If you want to bake gluten-free rustico rolls , you can also use dark flour mixtures, which are often enriched with wholemeal flour or linseed and buckwheat . However, if you want to be sure that the taste of the flour doesn't affect your baked goods too much, you should use a neutral flour. At Ruut, we believe in cassava flour .

Bake gluten-free rolls and more easily at home with Ruut

At Ruut, we want to bring the world of gluten-free baking closer to all those who choose to avoid gluten, whether they choose to do so or not. Therefore, in our range you will find both basic products such as our beloved cassava flour as well as baking mixes for a simple and uncomplicated baking experience. Our baking mixes are available for bread and rolls as well as for waffles and pancakes - for everyone

So taste is something! In order to make the start a little easier for you, we are constantly collecting new delicious recipes that can be easily integrated into everyday life. And if you are looking for even more delicious roll recipes, just subscribe to our newsletter . When you register, we will send you a free e-book with all kinds of delicious recipe ideas, such as for cheese rolls.

Finally, we would like to tell you one more thing: Even if your first attempts at baking gluten-free rolls fail, you should not give up! With a little practice and patience, they will definitely succeed, and unsatisfactory finished products are a thing of the past. This makes breakfast fun again!


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