Ruut's recipes

Ruut's Rezepte

At Ruut we know that a gluten-free diet is not always easy. Especially if you've only recently started not eating gluten. Then it helps to have ready-made recipes with exact quantities and preparation information that you can fall back on at the beginning. But even "old hands" are often looking for new recipes for gluten-free baking, but also for cooking.

So that you do not have to do without (almost) anything in your diet, we are always on the lookout for new recipe ideas. Our claim: It should be as uncomplicated as possible and fit many different nutritional concepts. Therefore, many of our recipes are not suitable for gluten-free baking or cooking, but also for the Paleo diet and can often be easily prepared vegan. To make it as easy as possible for you, each recipe states whether it is gluten-free, grain-free, paleo or vegan.


Our three recipe categories

Even a gluten-free diet can be extremely versatile and varied. That's why we've not only collected recipes for gluten-free baking of bread, cakes & co., but also for many other delicacies. For a better overview we have divided our recipes into three different groups. Just click through and let yourself be inspired!

  • Bread & Co.: From classic breads and rolls to variants refined with fruit or vegetables to Paleo bread, there is something for every taste!

  • Sweets: Gluten-free cakes, muffins, biscuits, pancakes, etc. are easy to bake yourself with the help of our recipes.

  • Hearty: Our repertoire also includes hearty recipes, for example for pancakes, pizza dough, pasta, sauces and much more.

Our favorite ingredient cassava flour is included in all of our recipes. Thanks to its special properties, such as the high starch content and the mild taste, it is extremely versatile and suitable for baking and cooking a wide variety of gluten-free recipes. This is also shown by our wide range of different recipes, with the help of which the delicacies can be easily prepared. Another advantage of this flour alternative: It behaves very similarly to classic types of flour made from grain. So if you already have a few favorite recipes that you definitely want to continue using, this is possible with cassava flour. You can usually use it 1:1 as a replacement product. You can also find more background information in our cassava blog article .

If you would like to read more tips and tricks on the topic of gluten-free nutrition, please have a look at our FAQ area and our blog . Here, for example, we give you more detailed information on what you should consider when baking gluten-free despite the recipe and also go into more detail about gluten-free flours . If you've been wondering what the Paleo diet is while reading, have a look here and then discover how you can easily bake Paleo bread at home.

We wish you a lot of fun trying it out and bon appétit!


Here you go directly to our products

Have you already decided that you want to try one or more of our recipes, and preferably as soon as possible? Then take a look at our shop ! Here you will find our all-round talent, cassava flour , as well as baking mixes for quick and easy preparation. The latter are currently available for bread and rolls as well as for waffles and pancakes . And for all those who are looking for even more inspiration for gluten-free baking or cooking recipes, we can recommend our Ruut collection . This contains 40 practical recipes for everyday use.



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