| gluten-free | vegan
Recipe by: Johanna from glutenfreierezeptwelt.de
Makes 1 round loaf or 1 loaf of bread (approx. 30 cm long)
Ingredients for the gluten-free protein bread recipe
- 300 g cassava flour
- 100 g teff flour
- 60 g gluten-free oat flour
- 15 g psyllium husk flour
- 40 g lupin flour
- 60 g gluten-free rolled oats
- 30 g sunflower seeds (optional)
- 620 ml lukewarm water
- 10 g fresh yeast (or 6 g dry yeast)
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 12 g salt
- 20 g neutral oil
Preparation of the gluten-free protein bread
Tip :) Only use kitchen scales for our recipes and for weighing the flour.
- Dissolve the yeast in the water with 1/2 teaspoon of sugar.
- Add all the other ingredients and knead for at least 10 minutes, preferably using a food processor. However, you can also use a hand mixer.
- Cover the dough and leave to rise at room temperature overnight or for at least 7 hours.
- Pour the dough into a round proofing basket or loaf tin and leave to rise again uncovered for at least 1 hour. Preheat the oven to 70 degrees, switch it off, place a bowl of boiling water in the oven and leave the bread to rise in the oven.
- After 1 hour, remove the proofing basket, carefully turn the bread out onto a baking tray and preheat the oven to 250 degrees, top and bottom heat. Place the bread in the oven, reduce the temperature to 230 degrees and bake for approx. 40 minutes. If you are using a loaf pan, you don't need to turn it out onto a baking sheet, you can just put it back in the oven to bake.
- The bread should sound hard when you tap it from the bottom. If not, bake for another 5 minutes if necessary.
- Leave the bread to cool completely on a wire rack, this will take at least 3 hours!