The health of the gut and especially its microflora has gained enormous importance in recent years, especially in nutritional science. One specific component that is of particular interest is resistant starch. This type of starch is not digested in the small intestine and therefore serves as a substrate for the bacterial flora in the large intestine, thereby contributing to gut health. Cassava flour , obtained from the root of the cassava plant, is a rich source of this valuable starch. In this article, we will look at the properties and benefits of resistant starch and how cassava flour can help improve our gut health.
What exactly is resistant starch?
Resistant starch is a special form of starch that lives up to its name because it defies digestion in the small intestine. Unlike conventional starch, which is converted into glucose, resistant starch reaches your large intestine unchanged. There it becomes food for the good bacteria that live in your intestine and act as Probiotics are known.

Why is resistant starch so important for gut health?
Your gut - also known as your microbiome - is a complex ecosystem populated by billions of microorganisms, including bacteria that affect your digestion, immune system, and even your mood. The good bacteria in your gut feed on resistant starches, producing short-chain fatty acids like butyrate. These fatty acids are crucial for gut health and help reduce inflammation as well as maintain a strong immune system.
Why are probiotics so excited about resistant starches?
Probiotics are living microorganisms that Intestinal health They are in love with resistant starches because they consider them their favorite food. When you eat resistant starches, you promote the growth and proliferation of these beneficial bacteria in your gut. The result? A healthy and balanced microbiome that improves your digestion, strengthens your immune system and reduces inflammation.
Occurrence of resistant starch
There are several sources of resistant starch that you can incorporate into your diet to reap its health benefits. Here are two ways:
- Retrogradation of starchy foods: An easy way to create resistant starch is to cool starchy foods like potatoes, rice or pasta after cooking. This process, known as retrogradation, causes some of the normal starch to be converted into resistant starch. This means that when you eat a portion of cooled potatoes, your gut can benefit from this valuable substance.
- Natural presence in cassava flour : Unlike some other starchy foods, cassava flour naturally contains a significant amount of resistant starch. The cassava root itself already has a naturally high concentration of resistant starches, which remain even after the flour is processed and milled. This means that when using cassava flour, you don't have to rely on cooling foods to reap the benefits of resistant starch. It's already present in this versatile flour, ready to support your gut health.
Resistant starch is crucial for gut health because it promotes good bacteria in the gut and reduces inflammation. Cassava flour is an easy way to get more resistant starch into your diet and support your gut health.