Healthy or unhealthy? Advantages and disadvantages of a gluten-free diet

Vorteile und Nachteile einer glutenfreien Ernährung

Table of contents:

  1. The development of the gluten-free diet – What does “gluten-free” mean?
  2. What are the benefits of a gluten-free diet?
  3. Are there any disadvantages to a gluten-free diet?
  4. Conclusion: The gluten-free diet has advantages and disadvantages, but it is worth it

At we present the freedoms and challenges of a gluten-free diet.

The gluten-free diet has become an interesting topic in recent decades for various reasons. Regardless of whether it is due to health problems such as gluten intolerance (celiac disease), chronic thyroid disease ( Hashimoto ) or a conscious decision to lead a healthier lifestyle - the demand for gluten-free foods is increasing rapidly. But why should you eat gluten-free and does this form of nutrition also involve risks?

The development of the gluten-free diet – What does “gluten-free” mean?

What is gluten free and what does it actually mean? Gluten is a protein found in most conventional grains such as wheat, barley and rye. If you suffer from gluten intolerance, your body cannot properly absorb gluten and use it as a nutrient. The consequences are mainly digestive problems, accompanied by headaches, nausea, weight loss, a weakened immune system and general malaise. You're already realizing that going gluten-free could have some significant benefits . But which ones exactly?

Advantages and disadvantages of a gluten-free diet with bread

What are the benefits of a gluten-free diet?

alleviation of health problems

The biggest advantage of a gluten-free diet is that it is the solution to most health problems for people with celiac disease. The abstinence usually results in significant relief of symptoms , and you will be fitter and more active in everyday life. To get started, try our cassava flour . As a low-histamine and gluten-free flour, it can be perfectly integrated into your gluten-free everyday life .

improve digestion

Eating a gluten-free diet has advantages , which can be seen in digestion. People with celiac disease benefit from relief from abdominal pain and intact intestinal flora. A consistent avoidance of gluten-containing foods can lead to a long-term calming of the digestive system in most of those affected. This, in turn, can help reduce individual sensitivities and sensitivity to gluten. Unfortunately, the latter only applies to people who do not suffer from celiac disease.

Conscious food choices

Ultimately, you have to find out for yourself whether a gluten-free diet is healthy or can harm your body. In fact, a gluten-free diet shows benefits, often leading to more conscious food choices and inevitably leading you to adopt healthier eating habits . For example, this can lead you to focus on more natural and less processed foods or to look more closely at the ingredients of a product.

Are there also disadvantages of a gluten-free diet or only advantages?

Are there also disadvantages of a gluten-free diet?

Are you already excited about the many benefits of a gluten-free diet? Then you are probably wondering whether there are any disadvantages that you should pay attention to. In principle, however, you can rest easy. A gluten-free diet does not entail any health disadvantages as long as you use this diet consciously and with care . What exactly do we mean by that?

Missing nutrients in case of carelessness

Cereals containing gluten, such as wheat, barley and rye, are important sources of dietary fiber and minerals such as iron, folic acid and B vitamins, especially when they are whole grain. When following a gluten-free diet, it is important to find alternative sources of these nutrients to avoid deficiencies. Therefore, combine flours such as our cassava flour with legumes, seeds and nuts as well as sufficient fruit and vegetables to create a good nutrient base . The cassava flour in particular is a perfect source of energy and has sufficient calcium and potassium.

Takes time and getting used to new foods

Gluten is found in many processed foods such as bread, pasta, pastries, and cereal products. A gluten-free diet therefore requires avoiding these foods, which can result in limited food choices . In addition, gluten-free alternatives are often more expensive and can have a different taste and consistency than products with gluten. However, once you have dealt with the diverse selection of gluten-free products and stick to the production process, this should no longer be a major hurdle for you. Feel free to check out our gluten-free food list to plan a gluten-free diet !

Be careful with self-diagnosis

If you have not been diagnosed with celiac disease by a doctor, you should take care to gently acclimate your body to a change in diet . Your intestines are used to foods containing gluten and need time to adjust to the absence. So start gradually so that your body can continue to absorb enough nutrients and does not suffer from the change .

Permanent renunciation is exhausting

In the end, the most difficult thing is not the switch to gluten-free products, but the permanent renunciation and adherence to a gluten-free diet. It can be particularly problematic in social situations , such as in restaurants or while traveling . It requires open communication with hosts or waiters and often great assertiveness with family and friends . Discussions can sometimes be unavoidable.

Advantages and disadvantages of the gluten-free diet - it's worth it

Conclusion: The gluten-free diet has advantages and disadvantages, but it is worth it

At a time when more and more people are paying attention to their own diet and are looking for healthy alternatives , the importance of gluten-free nutrition continues to increase. The advantages of the gluten-free diet prevail and set an example for a more conscious and healthier society . However, you should always make sure that you slowly introduce your body to the topic and give it enough time. Particularly when it comes to nutrient absorption, it is important to ensure that there is an adequate supply .

Thanks to innovative solutions such as Ruut cassava flour, a gluten-free diet is not only possible, but also fun and tasty . With high-quality gluten-free flours and baking mixes, we enable health-conscious people to enjoy bread, rolls, waffles , pancakes and much more without compromise. Benefit from the countless advantages of a gluten-free diet by making a conscious and sustainable decision and taking your time with the changeover.

Have you acquired a taste for a gluten-free lifestyle ? Be inspired by our delicious recipes and enjoy a gluten-free diet that is not only diverse but also incredibly delicious .


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